Ho iniziato intagliando delle basi di 7 x 7 cm circa di compensato che successivamente ho scartavetrato e dipinto.
Sono 11 tutti diversi anche se una cosa li accomuna , la bibita che funge da porta stuzzicadenti (che a parer mio non devono MAI MANCARE al tavolo di un locale dove si mangia carne).
Ovviamente ho creato io entrambe con un programma di grafica ( se così si può definire PAINT :D ) aggiungendo il logo e i colori del locale prendendo spunto da delle template trovate su internet.
Le ho stampate, tagliate e incollate :).
Dopodichè ho creato 11 soggetti diversi tra carne e panini con tanto di contorno e patatine fritte cercando di riprodurre tutte le fattezze reali del singolo cibo.
Sono stati consegnati tra i primi di Giugno e sono piaciuti tantissimo al committente :)
Di Seguito le foto!
Con questo vi auguro una splendida serata
a presto
Good afternoon everyone!
It 's the hot summer in Cagliari now is now.
I'm glad though that does not facilitate the processing of polymer clay.
In any case, I wanted to show that I worked on a committee at the end of May.
It is numbered 11 custom placeholder for the local pub catering cafe sandwich
Smell Club Sandwich
where you can enjoy of 'good quality food always served with impeccable presentation
at a cost not excessive!
We eat really well you can choose from pasta dishes and as a second taste the delicious meat with a side of fresh fries, or why not one of them crazy sandwiches or sandwich!
Who could ask for more? THE SWEET you must try it!
Every time I eat them rest pleasantly satisfied with the Full Belly :)!
Just Talking about food at this time! after receiving their order and tried their kitchen,
I started work and I studied something more than that to score the number of the table, it was nice to see all the angles and useful as a whole.
I started carving the bases of 7 x 7 cm of plywood that I later sanded and painted.
11 are all different even if one thing unites them, the drink that acts as a toothpick holder (which in my opinion should NEVER MISS at a table in a room where you eat meat).
Of course I created both with a graphics program (if it can be defined PAINT: D) by adding the logo and colors of the room taking a cue from the template found on the internet.
I printed, cut and paste :).
Then I created 11 different subjects including meat and sandwiches with lots of vegetables and fries trying to reproduce all the features of the individual real food.
Were delivered between early June and liked them a lot to the buyer :)
Follow-up of the pictures!
With this I wish you a wonderful evening
n 1: Piatto di salsicciotti cotti alla brace, contorno di insalata verde e pomodori Tagliati
con patate fritte A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
n 1: Plate of sausage grilled, garnished with green lettuce and diced tomatoes with fries separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 2: Panino bianco con prosciutto cotto, maionese, pomodoro e insalata verde, con contorno di patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
No. 2: white sandwich with ham, mayonnaise, tomato and lettuce, with a side of homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 3: Piatto con hamburger di cavallo, contorno insalata verde e pomodori, e patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
No. 3: Plate with burgers horse, outline green salad and tomatoes, and fresh fries separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 4: Mezzo sfilatino bianco con prosciutto crudo, mozzarella e insalata verde, con contorno di patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo
No. 4: half white loaf with ham, mozzarella cheese and green salad, with a side of homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 5: Metà baguette con Uova sode, maionese, pomodoro e insalata verde, con contorno di patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo
No. 5: Half a baguette with boiled eggs, mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato, served with homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 6: Piatto con bistecca di manzo, contorno insalata verde e pomodori, e patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo
No. 6: Plate with beef steak, green salad and tomato garnish and homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and shaped entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds. .
n 7: Hamburger con formaggio fontina, maionese, pomodoro e insalata verde, con contorno di patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
No. 7: Hamburger with cheese, mayonnaise, tomato and green salad, with a side of homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 8: Mezzo sfilatino bianco con prosciutto cotto, maionese, emmental a fette e insalata verde, con contorno di patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
No. 8: half white loaf with ham, mayonnaise, slices of Emmental cheese and green salad, with a side of homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 9: Piatto con bistecca di cavallo, contorno insalata verde e pomodori, e patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
No. 9: Dish with horse steak, vegetables and tomatoes with green salad and homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 10: Infarinato integrale con prosciutto cotto, maionese, pomodoro e insalata verde, con contorno di patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
No. 10: Infarinato complete with ham, mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato, served with homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
n 11: Club Sandwich con prosciutto cotto, pancetta, Petto di pollo, maionese, pomodoro e insalata verde, con contorno di patatine fritte fresche A Parte.
✿ Realizzato e modellato interamente a mano in fimo Senza alcun uso di Stampo.
No. 11: Club Sandwich with ham, bacon, chicken breast, mayonnaise, tomato and lettuce, with a side of homemade chips separately.
✿ designed and manufactured entirely by hand in polymer clay without the use of molds.
Seguimi su facebook <3
Logo Odore Club Sandwich
Via Nuoro n 27
09129 Cagliari CA |